How to add LP tokens to KEEP dashboard and get crazy liquidity rewards. All steps

Dmytro Sokoliuk
3 min readDec 26, 2020


Crazy APY was announced by Matt Luongo for staking your LP tokens from Uniswap! So what the numbers? You will get:

668% APY in KEEP/TBTC pair
365% in KEEP/ETH pair
67% tBTC/ETHpair

Moreover, for the next four weeks (from 24 dec.), TBTC/ETH LPs will earn 50k KEEP per week, KEEP/ETH LPs will earn 150k KEEP per week, and LPs for KEEP/TBTC — Matt Luong call it hodler’s pool — will earn 200k KEEP per week!

And that is not all. September and October PFK winners will get also 1K additional KEEP tokens reward for Uniswap LP (see official blog-post instructions here). Existed Uniswap LP can be (and should be!) added to KEEP Dashbord. So, let’s sumarize. 3 kind of reward for Uniswap LP: Crazy APY up to 668% + 50K — 200K Keep tokens per week for dashboard stake + 1K additional KEEP for previous PFK winnings LP. from words to deeds. I will describe, how you can go all the way and get maximum triple reward.

The first step is — adding liquidity to Uniswap. And guide, how to do that, was written before: How to earn playing for keeps LP matching prizes (Link).

Where to get tBTC for LP pairs?

There is several ways to get it:

  1. Mint it using KEEP network APP — This is original way to mint and process is simple. You need to have native BTC coin and Ethereum for this operation. GUIDE available here (LINK)
  2. Mint it from Coinlist wallet (for those who not hold BTC at the moment). This is really simple way to get tBTC. The guide, how to do that, available here (LINK)
  3. Buy tBTC from exchanges. You can buy tBTC on Uniswap (LINK for tBTC/ETH pair). Also tBTC available on KRAKEN (LINK). Just bought it there and withdraw to your wallet where you hold KEEP tokens.

When you have enough of desiring tokens, and added Uniswap Liquidity (Link to Guide), time to get your crazy percentage:

Adding liquidity to dashboard liquidity page

You should have LP tokens from UNISWAP. Connect you Metamask wallet (Also you can use Ledger or Trezor) to KEEP Dashboard page and accept it in Metamask. Dashboard link:

If you connected right wallet you will see ADD MORE LP TOKENS button active. Push it and allow Metamask (need do this several times) and wait till all interactions will be confirmed.

This is it! Your liquidity added to Dashboard! Now you see: 1) APY in percentage 2) Your % of pool 3) Reward in KEEP tokens (Check in in a few days and tokens will appear there). And 4) — Option to withdraw LP tokens.

Liquidity must be left in the KEEP/ETH Uniswap pool for a minimum of 31 days. There is no requirement to remove the liquidity to qualify. If you have been awarded your eligible Playing for Keeps award, please provide liquidity on Uniswap by December 31st to qualify. Don’s forget to fill form and provide your LP TX HASH and other required info: LINK

Grab your tokens, this is time!

If you have further questions, please ask on KEEP Discord!



Dmytro Sokoliuk
Dmytro Sokoliuk

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